
控制工程基础 英文版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

控制工程基础 英文版
  • 孙晶编著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:科学出版社
  • ISBN:9787030510518
  • 出版时间:2017
  • 标注页数:200页
  • 文件大小:21MB
  • 文件页数:209页
  • 主题词:自动控制理论-高等学校-教材-英文


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Chapter 1 Introduction1

1.1 System and System Analysis1

1.2 Modeling the System2

1.3 Solving the Model4

1.4 Principle of Automatic Control Systems5

1.4.1 Control and Control Systems5

1.4.2 How Does an Automatic Control System Work?6

1.5 Structure of Control Systems8

1.5.1 Schematic Diagram for a Typical Automatic Control System8

1.5.2 Terminologies9

1.6 Characteristics of Control Systems10

1.6.1 Stability10

1.6.2 Accuracy10

1.6.3 Dynamic Properties11

1.6.4 Robustness12

1.7 Classification of Control Systems(to Broadest Sense)12

1.7.1 Open Loop Control System12

1.7.2 Closed Loop Control System13

1.8 Application of Control Theory in Mechanical Engineering Systems15

1.9 Brief History of Automatic Control15

1.10 Organization of Book17

1.11 Drill Problems17

Chapter 2 Laplace Transform Solution19

2.1 Definition19

2.2 Laplace Transforms of Common Functions20

2.2.1 Step Function20

2.2.2 Ramp Function20

2.2.3 Pulse Function21

2.2.4 Exponential Function22

2.2.5 Trigonometric Function22

2.2.6 Power Function23

2.2.7 Summary23

2.3 Laplace Transform Properties24

2.3.1 Multiplication by a Constant25

2.3.2 Superposition25

2.3.3 Differential Theorem25

2.3.4 Integral Theorem26

2.3.5 Initial Value Theorem27

2.3.6 Final Value Theorem27

2.3.7 Shifting Theorem in Time Domain(Delay Theorem)28

2.3.8 Shifting Theorem in Complex Domain28

2.3.9 Partial Fraction Method28

2.4 Laplace Transform Inversion30

2.4.1 Distinct Poles31

2.4.2 Repeated Poles33

2.4.3 Complex Poles34

2.5 Drill Problems36

Chapter 3 Formulation and Dynamic Behavior of Translational Mechanical Systems37

3.1 Introduction37

3.1.1 Concepts of Mathematical Models37

3.1.2 Types or Mathematical Models37

3.2 Variables37

3.3 Element Laws39

3.3.1 Mass39

3.3.2 Friction40

3.3.3 Stiffness42

3.4 Interconnection Laws43

3.4.1 D'Alembert's Law43

3.4.2 The Law of Reaction Forces44

3.5 Obraining the System Model44

3.5.1 Free-Body Diagrams45

3.5.2 Parallel Combinations49

3.5.3 Series Combinations50

3.6 Drill Problems53

Chapter 4 Formulation and Dynamic Behavior of Electrical Systems55

4.1 Element Laws55

4.1.1 Resistor55

4.1.2 Capacitor56

4.1.3 Inductor56

4.2 Interconnection Laws57

4.2.1 Kirchhoff's Voltage Law57

4.2.2 Kirchhoff's Current Law58

4.2.3 The Nodal Method of Electrical Network Analysis58

4.3 Analogue relationships among different systems59

4.4 Examples60

4.5 Drill Problems62

Chapter 5 Fundamentals of Control Systems63

5.1 Representation of Control Systems63

5.2 The Transfer Function63

5.2.1 Definition of the Transfer Function64

5.2.2 Properties of the Transfer Function65

5.2.3 The Rational Polynomial Form of a Transfer Function66

5.2.4 Transfer Function of Elements in Series Connection67

5.2.5 Transfer Function of Elements in Parallel Connection68

5.2.6 Remarks69

5.3 The Transfer Function for Typical Links70

5.3.1 Proportion Link70

5.3.2 Integral Link71

5.3.3 Inertial Link72

5.3.4 Differential Link74

5.3.5 Oscillation Link75

5.4 Function Block Diagrams76

5.4.1 Introduction76

5.4.2 Summing Point and Tie Point76

5.4.3 Terminologies77

5.4.4 Simplification of the Function Block Diagram79

5.5 Plot the Function Block Diagrams88

5.6 Signal Flow Diagrams92

5.6.1 Introduction to Signal Flow Diagrams92

5.6.2 Draw the Signal Flow Diagram92

5.6.3 Mason's Gain Formula94

5.7 Drill Problems96

Chapter 6 Time Response Analysis of Control Systems99

6.1 Introduction99

6.2 Time Response from Transfer Function100

6.2.1 Response of First-Order System100

6.2.2 Response of Second-Order System104

6.2.3 Approximate Analysis of High-Order System110

6.3 Performance Specifications in Time Domain114

6.3.1 Performance Specifications of First-Order System114

6.3.2 Performance Specifications of Second-Order System116

6.4 Drill Problems121

Chapter 7 Frequency Response Analysis of Control Systems123

7.1 Concepts123

7.2 Graphical Descriptions:Nyquist Diagram and Bode Diagram127

7.2.1 Simple Rules for Plotting Nyquist Diagram127

7.2.2 The Nyquist Diagrams for Typical Links128

7.2.3 Simple Rules for Plotting Bode Diagrams134

7.2.4 The Bode Diagrams for Typical Links139

7.3 The Open Loop Bode Diagram of Control System151

7.4 Minimum Phase Systems155

7.5 Nyquist Stability Criterion158

7.5.1 The Explanation for Nyquist Stability Criterion158

7.5.2 Some Tips for Nyquist Stability Criterion160

7.5.3 Nyquist Stability Criterion for Minimum Phase System161

7.5.4 Stability Margin161

7.6 Drill Problems167

Chapter 8 Stability Analysis of Control Systems168

8.1 Stability168

8.2 Conditions for the System Stability169

8.3 Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion170

8.3.1 The Preconditions for Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion170

8.3.2 Full Condition for Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion171

8.3.3 Special Cases for Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion176

8.4 Drill Problems181

Chapter 9 Error Analysis and Calculation of Control Systems182

9.1 Terminologies183

9.1.1 Deviation183

9.1.2 Steady-State Deviation183

9.1.3 Desired Output Value183

9.1.4 Error184

9.1.5 Steady-State Error185

9.2 Static Error Coefficients186

9.2.1 Two Impact Factors of the Steady-State Error186

9.2.2 The Static Error Coefficients and the Steady-State Error186

9.3 Steady-State Error Calculation191

9.3.1 Steady-State Deviation Calculation191

9.3.2 Steady-State Error Calculation193

9.4 Methods for Reducing Steady-State Error194

9.4.1 Increase Open Loop Gain195

9.4.2 Increasing System Types195

9.4.3 Feed Forward Control196

9.4.4 Compound Control198

9.5 Drill Problems199

