材料复合新技术国家实验室 论文摘要集【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 武汉工业大学编 著
- 出版社:
- 出版时间:1993
- 标注页数:78页
- 文件大小:8MB
- 文件页数:93页
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材料复合新技术国家实验室 论文摘要集PDF格式电子书版下载
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1.Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis of NiAl&Yuan Runzhang,Wang Weimin,and LiQiang1
2.Design and fabrication of a Mgo/Ni functionally gradient material&Yuan Runzhang,Zhang Lianmeng,Zhang Qingjie and Tang Xin-feng1
3.Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis of Nb-doped substoichiometric TiCx and its characteristics&Yuan Runzhang,Yang ZhenLin,and Jia Shicony2
4.Fabrication of dense TiB2-Al composites by the Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis(SHS)method&Yuan Runzhang and Fu Zhengyi and Z.A Munir2
5.Electrical and fractal properties of composite solid electrolytes&Nan Cewen and D.M.Smith3
6.On comment on"Enhancement of ionic conduction in CaF2 and BaF2 by dispersion of Al2O3"&Nan Cewen and D.M.Smth3
7.A.C.electrical properties of composite solid electrolytes&Nan Cewen and D.M.Smith4
8.Percolation phenomiena in Niobium-TiC1-x&Nan Cewen,Yuan Runzhang and Yang Zhenlin4
9.Non-universal elasticity exponent for three-dimensional continuum percolation systems&Nan Cewen and D.M.Smith5
10.A new theoretical description for anomalous birefringence of phase-separatel glasses&Nan Cewen and D.M.Smith5
11.Non-Debye stress reiaxation in green silica gel&Nan Cewen,R.W.Brotzman and D.M.Smith6
12.On percolation phenomenna in M1-xLnxF2+x(M=Ca、Sr、Ba、Yb;Ln=La、Y、Ce、etc.)&Nan Cewen and Yuan Runzhang6
13.Multiple-scattering approach to effective properties of piezoelectric composites&Nan Cewen and Jin Fusheng7
14.Multiple-scattering solution to nonlinear mechanical properties of biuary elastic-plastic composite media&Nan Cewen and Yuan Runzhang7
15.The elastoplastic behavior of metal/ceramic functionally gradient ma-terials&Nan cewen,Yuan Runzhang and Zhang Qingjie8
16.The physics of metal/ceramic functionally gradient materials&Nan Cewen,Yuan Runzhang and Zhang Linmeng8
17.Comment on"Relationships between the effective properties of transversely isotropic piezoelectric composites"&Nan Cewen9
18.Theoretical and experimental analysis of ignition of a gasless SHS process&Fu Zhengyi,Yuan Runzhang and Wang Weimin9
19.Fundamental study on SHS preparation of TiB2-Al composites&Fu Zhengyi,Yuan Runzhang and Z.A.Munir10
20.Study on the Matching properties among TiB2,TiAl3 and Al phases in TiB2-Al FGM&Fu Zhengyi,Min Xinmin and Yuan Runzhang10
21.Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis of MoB2&Mei Bingchu11
22.Synthesis of TiC-Ni3Al composites by SHS-melting Technology&Mei Bingchu,Yuan Runzhang and Duan Xinglong11
23.Investigation on Ni3Al composites strengthened by TiC&Mei Bingchu,Yuan Runzhang and Duan Xinglong12
24.Characteristics of the self-propagating reaction in TiB2/Al composite combustion synthesis&Yang Zhenlin,Yuan Runzhang and Zhou Xiaoxing12
25.A triangular element of a plate with ten degrees of freedom&Qin Qinghua and Zhang Qingjie13
26.Nonlinear dgnamic behavior of stiffened plate under instantaneous loading&Zhang Qingjie Li Shiqi and Zheng Jijia13
27.Instantaneous thermal expansion behavior of heterogenerous materials with a work-hardening elastoplastic matrix and elastic spheroidal inhomo-geneities&Zhang Qingjie,Nan Cewen and Ruan Runzhang14
28.Dynamic response,buckling and collapsing of elastic-plastic straight columns under axial solid-fluid-structure impact buckling&Zhang Qingjie,Qin Qinghua and Wang Jianzhong15
30.A coupled thermoelasticlty model of FGM under sudden high surface heating&Zhang Qingjie,Zhang Lianmeng and Yuan Runzhang15
31.Design and structural control of PSZ-Mo functionally gradient materials with theral stress relaxation&Tang Xinfeng,Zhang Linmeng and Yuan Runzhang16
32.Surface electrical properties of Ni-implanted sapphire&Li Shipu,Fan Donghui,Xing Ning,Sun Zhenya and Chen Xiaom-ing16
33.The Synthesis and crystal structure of new compound K6CrNb15O42&Wu Bolin,Zha Congji,Yuan Runzhang17
34.JCPDS 39-312&Wu Bolin17
35.JCPDS 41-481&Wu Bolin18
36.JCPDS 41-482&Wu Bolin18
37.JCPDS 43-334&Wu Bolin18
38.JCPDS 43-486&Wu Bolin18
39.Growth of Tb0.27Dy0.73Fe2 magenetostrictive single crystals&Li Qiang,Zhang Yilin Yuan Runzhang and D.J.Jin22
40.Heavy halide glasses based on lead bromide and lead iodide&Zhao Xiujian Zhang Kuoyin,and Lin Jixiang22
41.Influence of alkali content and alkali mixing on the chemical durability of fluorozirconate glasses&Zhao Xinjian and Sumio Sakka23
42.Glass formation in Sb2Se3-MXn(metal halides)&Zhao Xinjian,Xu Lianying,Yin Hongbing and Sumio Sakka23
58.Crystal structure of K6CrNb15O42&Wu,Bolin,Zha Congji and Yuan Runzhang31
65.配合物Cr(CN)6 3-,Co(CN)6 3-,CoF6 3-光谱的Xα理论研究&刘韩星,李伯符,孙家钟35
67.稀土夹心化合物的SCF—Xα—SW研究Ⅰ CP2Sm、CP2Yb和CP3Cm&闵新民36
68.稀土夹心化合物的SCF—Xα—SW研究Ⅱ CP2YbC2和CP2Yb(OC)2&闵新民36
70.Effective-medium theory of thermoelastic moduli of heterogeneous materials&Nan Cewen,Yuan Runzhang and Tong Jinzhang38
71.Microstructure-physics model of multi-phase and IPC ceramics&Nan Cewen and Yuan Runzhang38
72.Microstructure-property relationships of heterogeneous electroceram-ics&Nan Cewen and Yuan Runzhang39
73.A unified theory of the effective properties for ceramic-glasses and ceramic/polymer composites with coupled field effects&Nan Cewen,Yuan Runzhang and Jin Fusheng39
74.The influence of Nb addition on microstructure and mechanical prop-erties of TiC based cermets&Cai Kefeng,Yuan Runzhang and Pi Zhengjie40
75.The study of the microstructures of(Nb,Ti)C-Ni composite&Cai Kefeng,Yuan Runzhang,and Nan Cewen40
76.The oxidation characterization on the surface of nanosize AIN parti-cles&Cao Lihong,Tang Yuling,Zhang Yunjing and J-P Cheng41
77.Synthesis of AIN nanostructured materials&Cao Lihong,Tang Yuling and Cheng Jiping41
78.The grain grouth of ultrafine AIN particles durins sintering&Cao Lihong and Tang Yuling42
79.Preparation of ultrafine composite powders of titanium nitride-nickel&Cao Lihong and Tang Yuling42
80.Synthesid of Titanium Nitride nanostructured materials&Cao Lihong,Ouyang Shixi and Tang Yuling43
81.A new process of manufacturing alpha Alumina&Ouyang Shixi,Shi Xiaohong,Wu Bolin and Zha Congji43
82.The preparation and crystal structure of new compound K2Nb10.4O30&Ouyang Shixi,Wu Bolin and Zha Congji44
83.The synthesis and crystal structure of solid solution Al4-xNb4+xO16(X=0~1)&Ouyang Shixi,Zha Congji and Wu Bolin44
84.The preparation and properties of new compound K2AlNb5O15&Ouyang Shixi,Zha Congji and Wu Bolin45
85.Fundamental analysis of TiB2-Al FGM prepare by SHS&Fu Zhengyi,Yuan Runzhang and Min Xinmin45
86.Fundamental study on a casless SHS processs&Fu Zhengyi46
87.Structure and properties of TiB2/Al MMCs fabricated by SHS method&Fu Zhengyi and Yuan Run zhang46
88.Study on the structure and properties of cermets made by HPSHS&Fu Zhengyi,Wang Weimin and Yuan Runzhang47
89.Process strdy on the selt-propagating high-temperature synthesis of metal-ceramics composites&Fu Zhengyi,Yuan Runzhang,Wang Weimin and Wang H47
90.Recent advanced in the study and application of SHS technology in China&Yuan Runzhang48
91.Basic study on the Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis of NiAl/TiB2 composites&Wang Weimin,Fu Zhengyi,Mei Bingchu and Yuan Runzhang48
92.Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis and densification of internetaurc compound-matrix composites(IMCs)&Mei Bingchu,Wang Weimin and Yuan Runzhang49
93.Interfaces in SHS-melting Al/TiC metal matrix composites&Mei Bingchu,Wang Weimin and Yuan Runzhang49
94.Synthesis of TiC-Ni3Al composites by SHS-melting technology&Mei Bingchu,Yuan Runzhang,Duan Xinlong and Wu Bolin50
95.Fondamental study of TiC/Ni/Al composites prepared by combustion synthesis&Mei Bingchu,Wang Weimin,Yuan Runzhang and Fu Zhengyi50
96.Properties and production of compositie ceramics of Al2O3/Si3O4 at nano-submicron size&Zhang Linmeng,Yuan Runzhang,You Maoli and Yu Jiago51
97.Densification kineitcs of Aiumina during microwave sintering&Cheng Jiping,Qiu Jinyu,Zhou Jian and Ye Neng51
98.Real-time measurement high temperature dielctric constant the process of sintering&Zhou Jian,Cheng Jiping and Qiu Jinyu52
99.Preparing of ultrafine-grained zirconia by microwave sintering&Qiu Jinyu,Cheng Jiping and Zhou Jian52
100.Microwave sintering of WC-Co hardmetal&Ye Neng,Cheng Jiping,Qiu Jinyu and Zhou Jian53
101.TiCN particales covered by ultrafine Ni and Co Rowder&Pi ZhengJie,Ye Neng,Cai Kefeng and Yuan Runzhang53
102.Structure and properties of dispersion strened near-α titanium alloy prepared with rotating electrode process&Xue Hongyong,Pan Mu and Sun Xiaodong54
103.Study on the atmospheic plasma sprayed PSZ-NiCr graded coatings&Jia Shicong,Pan Mu,Qin Fengxiang,Shao Gangqin,Luo Zhiping and Su Yajuan54
104.The effect of alloy additives to the phase stability of Zirconia-Calcia-Titania ceramics&Pan Mu,Qin Fengxiang,Jia Shicong55
105.Preparation of biodegradation ceramic implants&Li Shipu,Fan Donghui,Chen Xiaoming,Yan Yuhun,Chen Fang and Zheng Qixin55
106.Modification on electrical property of ceramics&Li Shipu,Fan Donghui,Chen Xiaoming and Liu Xianghuai56
107.Dissolution experiments of the calcium phospate bioceramics&Yan Yuhua,Zheng Endang,Xu Yuan and Li Shipu56
108.The synthesis and crystal structure of new niobate K6CrNb15O4&Wu Bolin,Zha Congji and Yuan Runzhang57
109.The isomorphism phenomenon between Cu2+and Nb5+&Wu Bolin,Yuan Runzhang and Zha Congji57
110.The interrelation of the compounds in the system K2O-Nb2O5&Wu Bolin,Zha Congji and Yuan Runzhang58
111.The synthesis and crystal structure of K4-x K2Nb8(Nb·Cu)2Nb0.4 O30-Y&Wu Bolin,Yuan Runzhang and Zha Congji58
112.Study on the magretostrictive crystal growth of Tb0.27 412Dy0.73Fe1.95 Mn&Li Qing,Zhan g Yiling and Yuan Runzhang59
113.Grow of TbxDy1-xFe2-w magnetostrictive crystals without contamina-tion&Li Qing,Zhang Yiling and Yuan Runzhang59
114.A new modle of magnetostrictive"jumps"in twimed terfenot-D&Li Qiang J.Y.Li and W.C.Jiang60
115.DQ-15 Prepraration of Tb-Dy-Fe magnetostrictive single crystals with magnetic lgvitation cold crucible&Li Qiang,Zhang Yiling and Yuan Runzhang60
116.Struclural study of ThF4-based glasses&Zhao Xinjian,Chen Jiuqing,Yu Jiaguo and Sun Wenhua61
117.New infrared transmitting glasses based on lead halides&Zhao Xiujian,Yu Jiaguo,Chen Wenmei,Yuan Qihua,Liu Jixiang and Cui Tao61
118.Study on the far-imfrared transmitling lead thichalide glasses&Zhao Xiujian,Liu Jixiang,Yu Jiaguo and Li Juyi62
119.Effect of barium substitution on the glass formation and superconductivety of Bi-based oxides&Zhao Xiujian,Chen Danping and Li Xinju62
120.Thermodynamic prediction of glass formation in chalcogenide-halide systems&Zhao Xiujian,Xu Liangying and Yin Hongbing63
121.The electronic structure of Ag/MgO(100)studied by hartree-fock-slate method&Liu Hanxin,Ye Neng,Wang Xinxiang,Ouyan Shixi and Yuan Runzhang63
122.Alloys,properties and quantum chemistry studies on intermetallic compounds of NiAl&Min Xinmin,Wang Weimin and Yuan Runzhang64
123.A new PTC ceramic material&Ruan Lijian an d Cui Wanqiu64
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