The Viruses Biochemical【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- W.M.Stanley 著
- 出版社: Academic Press Inc.
- 出版时间:1959
- 标注页数:0页
- 文件大小:172MB
- 文件页数:625页
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Ⅰ.The Problems of Virology&BY F.M.BURNET AND W.M.STANLEY1
Ⅱ.The Double Approach2
A.The Infective Particle2
B.The Virus-Host Cell Relationship8
Ⅱ.Structural and Chemical Architecture of Host Cells with Special Reference to the Synthesis of Polymers&BY SEYMOUR S.COHEN15
A.Historical Notes17
B.The Metabolic Machinery and Virus Infection18
C.Possible Contributions of the Host Cell to the Synthesis of Viral Polymers25
D.On the Origin and Cellular Relations of the Viruses27
Ⅱ.Cellular Organization28
A.On the Cell in General28
B.The Composition of the Nucleus30
C.Cytoplasmic Structures53
Ⅲ.The Distribution of Metabolic Function69
A.Methodological Notes69
B.Tables of Enzyme Distribution71
C.Enzymatic Systems of Nuclei75
D.Enzymatic Systems of Cytoplasm81
E.Enzymatic Systems in the Microsomal Fraction86
F.Enzymatic Activities of Cell Sap87
G.Polymer Synthesis in Cytoplasm and Nucleus88
Ⅳ.Patterns of Polymer Synthesis103
A.Exponential Growth103
B.Difierentiated Cells104
C.Synchronous Cultures107
D.Pathological Systems109
E.Unbalanced Growth111
F.Syntheses with Abnormal Metabolites118
G.Problems of Turnover120
Ⅴ.Controlling Mechanisms of Enzyme and Protein Synthesis128
B.Genetic Controls129
C.Some Nutritional Phenomena135
D.The Induced Biosynthesis of Enzymes137
Ⅵ.Biochemical Mechanisms of Polymer Formation151
A.Phosphate Transfer153
B.Polysaccharide Biosynthesis163
C.Phospholipid Synthesis167
D.Mechanisms of Peptide Synthesis168
E.The Biosynthesis of Nucleic Acid Intermediates176
F.Biosynthesis of the Nucleic Acids183
Ⅶ.Problems of Polymer Duplication191
A.DNA Duplication and Partition192
B.The Transfer of Biological Information196
Ⅲ.The Physical Properties of Infective Particles&BY HOWARD K.SCHACHMAN AND ROBLEY C.WILLIAMS223
Ⅱ.Physical Methods227
A.Hydrodynamic and Thermodynamic Methods227
B.Optical Methods271
Ⅲ.Application of Physical Methods to Virus Studies297
A.Homogeneity and Purity as Related to Virus Identification297
B.Identification of Physical Particles as Infective Agents299
C.Physical Properties of Well-Studied Viruses303
Ⅳ.Quantitative Relationships between Virus Particles and Their Functional Activity&BY CARLTON E.SCHWERDT329
Ⅱ.Titration of Virus Infectivity330
A.Assay Based on All-or-None Response331
B.Assay by Local Lesion Count333
C.Factors Affecting Virus Infectivity Titrations337
Ⅲ.Methods of Determining Total Virus Particle Concentrations339
A.Direct Methods:Electron Microscopy339
B.Indirect Methods342
Ⅳ.Relationships between Total Particle Count and Biological Function346
A.Initiation of Infection by a Single Virus Particle346
B.Observed Ratios between Virus Particle Count and Infectious Units349
Ⅴ.Summary and Conclusion353
Ⅴ.Inactivation of Viruses&BY S.GARD AND O.MAALφE359
Ⅱ.Physical Agents361
A.Mechanical Treatments361
B.Ionizing and Nonionizing Radiations364
Ⅲ.Physicochemical Factors382
A.Heat Inactivation382
B.Resistance to Low Temperature and to Desiccation387
C.Virus Stability and pH389
D.Salt Effects390
Ⅳ.Chemical Agents392
A.Chemical Alterations of the Virus Particle not associated with Loss of Infectivity392
C.Protein-Denaturing Agents405
D.Oxidizing Agents407
E.Alkylating Agents411
F.Organic Solvents412
H.Miscellaneous Agents417
Ⅵ.The Chemical Basis of the Infectivity of Tobacco Mosaic Virus and Other Plant Viruses&BY H.FRAENKEL-CONRAT429
Ⅰ.Purification of Plant Viruses430
A.Procedure for the Preparation of TMV430
B.Isolation and Properties of Other Plant Viruses430
C.The Nature of Virus-Specific Components in Infected Plants432
Ⅱ.Degradation of TMV433
A.Preparation of Nucleic Acid433
B.Preparation of Protein435
C.Structure and Function of Viral Proteins435
Ⅲ.Assay of Infectivity of TMV and TMV-RNA437
Ⅳ.Reconstitution of TMV439
Ⅴ.Infectivity of Viral RNA441
B.Other Viruses445
C.Natural Occurrence of Infectious Nucleic Acid446
Ⅵ.Chemical and Physicochemical Properties of Infectious TMV-RNA446
A.Molecular Weight446
C.Miscellaneous Reactions450
Ⅶ.Reconstitution of Viruses from Different Strains450
A.Mixed Viruses451
B.Mixed Nucleic Acid Viruses452
C.Search for in Vitro-Produced Mutants453
Ⅶ.The Comparative Chemistry of Infective Virus Particles and Their Functional Activity:T2 and other Bacterial Viruses&BY E.A.EVANS,JR459
Ⅱ.General Structure of Coliphage Particles460
Ⅲ.The Protein Components of Coliphage Particles461
A.Amino Acid Context of Coliphage Proteins461
B.The Heterogeneity of Viral Protein463
Ⅳ.Nucleic Acid Components of Coliphage466
A.Analysis of Components of Viral Nucleic Acid467
B.Heterogeneity of Viral DNA470
Ⅴ.Other Viral Specific Products471
Ⅷ.The Comparative Chemistry of Infective Virus Particles and of other Virus-Specific Products:Animal Viruses&BY WERNER SCHAFER475
Ⅱ.Definition of the Various Virus-Specific Units476
Ⅲ.Problems and Methods of Chemical Analysis478
Ⅳ.Chemical Composition of Infective Particles and Other Virus-Specific Products479
A.Smaller Viruses479
B.Viruses of Medium Size482
C.Larger Viruses491
Ⅴ.Origin and Function of the Chemical Constituents of Animal Viruses499
Ⅸ.Biochemistry of Insect Viruses&BY G.H.BERGOLD505
Ⅰ.The Chemical Changes in the Insect Host during Virus Infection505
Ⅱ.Physicochemical Properties and Chemical Composition of Inclusion Bodies507
A.Physicochemical Properties507
B.Chemical Composition of Inclusion Body Proteins510
Ⅲ.Chemical Composition of Virus Particles513
Ⅹ.The Scope and Limitations of Immunological Methods in the Characterization and Functional Study of Viruses&BY F.M.BURNET525
Ⅱ.The Concepts of Immunological Specificity527
Ⅲ.Aggregation Reactions in Virology530
A.Precipitin Reactions531
B.Complement Fixation533
C.Fluorescent Antibody Techniques534
Ⅳ.The Process of Virus Neutralization534
A.Neutralization of Bacterial Viruses534
B.Neutralization of Plant Viruses537
C.Neutralization of Animal Viruses by Immune Serum538
Ⅺ.The Reproduction of Viruses:A Comparative Survey&BY S.E.LURIA549
Ⅰ.Virus Infection as Infective Heredity549
A.Virus Multiplication,Cell Multiplication,and Cell Growth549
B.Virus as Genetic Determinant551
C.Virus Replication and Virus Maturation551
Ⅱ.Multiplication of Bacteriophage553
A.The Nature of the Replicating Phage Material553
B.Infectious DNA from Phage Particles554
C.Kinetics of Replication of Vegetative Phage555
D.Functions of the Phage Genome555
E.Phage Maturation and Infective Heredity558
Ⅲ.Multiplication of Tobacco Mosaic Virus559
A.RNA as the Initiator of Infection559
B.TMV Protein and Virus Maturation560
C.Other RNA Viruses561
Ⅳ.Multiplication of Animal Viruses562
A.Myxovirus Group562
B.Other Viruses562
Ⅴ.Virus Multiplication,Cell Function,and Cell Organization563
A.Restatement of the Dual Hypothesis563
B.Cell Damage and Virus Multiplication564
C.Viruses and Cellular Constituents565
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