
统一理论和超对称 第3版 英文版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

统一理论和超对称 第3版 英文版
  • (美)莫哈帕特拉著 著
  • 出版社: 北京;西安:世界图书出版公司
  • ISBN:9787510005718
  • 出版时间:2010
  • 标注页数:421页
  • 文件大小:15MB
  • 文件页数:440页
  • 主题词:大统一理论-英文;超对称-英文


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1 Important Basic Concepts in Particle Physics1

1.1 Introduction1

1.2 Symmetries and Currents4

1.3 Local Symmetries and Yang-Mills Fields8

1.4 Quantum Chromodynamic Theory of Strong Interactions11

1.5 Hidden Symmetries of Weak Interactions14


2 Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking21

2.1 Symmetries and Their Realizations21

2.2 Nambu-Goldstone Bosons for an Arbitrary Non-Abelian Group24

2.3 Some Properties of Nambu-Goldstone Bosons26

2.4 Phenomenology of Massless and Near-Massless Spin-0 Bosons28

2.5 The Higgs-Kibble Mechanism in Gauge Theories30

2.6 Group Theory of the Higgs Phenomenon33

2.7 Renormalizability and Triangle Anomalies34


3 The SU(2)L×U(1) Model38

3.1 The SU(2)L×U(1) Model of Glashow,Weinberg,and Salam38

3.2 Neutral-Current Interactions43

3.3 Masses and Decay Properties of W and Z Bosons47

3.4 Fermion Masses and Mixing52

3.5 Higher-Order-Induced Flavor-Changing Neutral-Current Effects54

3.6 The Higgs Bosons56

3.7 SU(2)L×U(1) Model with Two Higgs Doublets59

3.8 Puzzles of the Standard Model61

3.9 Outline of the Various Scenarios64

3.10 Beyond the Standard Model64


4 CP Violation:Weak and Strong74

4.1 CP Violation in Weak Interactions74

4.2 CP Violation in Gauge Models:Generalities78

4.3 The Kobayashi-Maskawa Model80

4.4 Left-Right Symmetric Models of CP Violation85

4.5 The Higgs Exchange Models92

4.6 Strong CP Violation and the θ-Problem94

4.7 Solutions to the Strong CP Problem without the Axion98

4.8 Summary100


5 Grand Unification and the SU(5) Model106

5.1 The Hypothesis of Grand Unification106

5.2 SU(N) Grand Unification107

5.3 Sin2θW in Grand Unified Theories(GUT)108

5.4 SU(5)109

5.5 Grand Unification Mass Scale and Sin2θW at Low Energies114

5.6 Detailed Predictions of the SU(5) Model for Proton Decay118

5.7 Some Other Aspects of the SU(5) Model121

5.8 Gauge Coupling Unification with Intermediate Scales before Grand Unification125


6 Symmetric Models of Weak Interactions and Massive Neutrinos130

6.1 Why Left-Right Symmetry?130

6.2 The Model,Symmetry Breaking,and Gauge Boson Masses133

6.3 Limits on MZR and mWR from Charged-Current Weak Interactions140

6.3.1 Limits on the WR-WL Mixing Parameter ?145

6.4 Properties of Neutrinos and Lepton-Number-Violating Processes146

6.5 Baryon Number Nonconservation and Higher Unification157

6.6 Sin2θW and the Scale of Partial Unification163

6.7 Left-Right Symmetry—An Alternative Formulation164

6.8 Higher Order Effects166

6.9 Conclusions168


7 SO(10) Grand Unification175

7.1 Introduction175

7.2 SO(2N) in an SU(N) Basis[3]176

7.3 Fermion Masses and the"Charge Conjugation" Operator179

7.4 Symmetry-Breaking Patterns and Intermediate Mass Scales183

7.5 Decoupling Parity and SU(2)R Breaking Scales189

7.6 Second Z' Boson191


8 Technicolor and Compositeness193

8.1 Why Compositeness?193

8.2 Technicolor and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking194

8.3 Techni-Composite Pseudo-Goldstone Bosons197

8.4 Fermion Masses199

8.5 Composite Quarks and Leptons201

8.6 Light Quarks and Leptons and't Hooft Anomaly Matching204

8.7 Examples of 't Hooft Anomaly Matching206

8.8 Some Dynamical Constraints on Composite Models209

8.9 Other Aspects of Composite Models210

8.10 Symmetry Breaking via Top-Quark Condensate213


9 Global Supersymmetry220

9.1 Supersymmetry220

9.2 A Supersymmetric Field Theory222

9.3 Two-Component Notation225

9.4 Superfields227

9.5 Vector and Chiral Superfields230


10 Field Theories with Global Supersymmetry236

10.1 Supersymmetry Action236

10.2 Supersymmetric Gauge Invariant Lagrangian240

10.3 Feynman Rules for Supersymmetric Theories[3]242

10.4 Allowed Soft-Breaking Terms246


11 Broken Supersymmetry and Application to Particle Physics249

11.1 Spontaneous Breaking of Supersymmetry249

11.2 Supersymmetric Analog of the Goldberger-Treiman Relation251

11.3 D-Type Breaking of Supersymmetry253

11.4 O'Raifeartaigh Mechanism or F-Type Breaking of Supersymmetry254

11.5 A Mass Formula for Supersymmetric Theories and the Need for Soft Breaking256


12 Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model260

12.1 Introduction,Field Content and the Lagrangian260

12.2 Constraints on the Masses of Superparticles268

12.3 Other Effects of Superparticles273

12.4 Why Go beyond the MSSM?276

12.5 Mechanisms for Supersymmetry Breaking277

12.6 Renormalization of Soft Supersymmetry-Breaking Parameters284

12.7 Supersymmetric Left-Right Model286


13 Supersymmetric Grand Unification293

13.1 The Supersymmetric SU(5)293

13.2 Proton Decay in the Supersymmetry SU(5) Model296

13.2.1 Problems and Prospects for SUSY SU(5)299

13.3 Supersymmetric SO(10)301

13.3.1 Symmetry Breaking and Fermion Masses301

13.3.2 Neutrino Masses,R-Parity Breaking,126 vrs.16304

13.3.3 Doublet-Triplet Splitting(D-T-S):306


14 Local Supersymmetry(N=1)310

14.1 Connection Between Local Supersymmetry and Gravity310

14.2 Rarita-Schwinger Formulation of the Massless Spin-3/2 Field312

14.3 Elementary General Relativity313

14.4 N=1 Supergravity Lagrangian316

14.5 Group Theory of Gravity and Supergravity Theories317

14.6 Local Conformal Symmetry and Gravity320

14.7 Conformal Supergravity and Matter Couplings323

14.8 Matter Couplings and the Scalar Potential in Supergravity327

14.9 Super-Higgs Effect331

14.10 Different Formulations of Supergravity332


15 Application of Supergravity(N=1) to Particle Physics335

15.1 Effective Lagrangian from Supergravity335

15.2 The Polonyi Model of Supersymmetry Breaking337

15.3 Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Supergravity340

15.4 Grand Unification and N=1 Supergravity343


16 Beyond N=1 Supergravity348

16.1 Beyond Supergravity348

16.2 Extended Supersymmetries(N=2)349

16.3 Supersymmetries with N>2351

16.4 Higher-Dimensional Supergravity Theories352

16.5 d=10 Super-Yang-Mills Theory356


17 Superstrings and Quark-Lepton Physics361

17.1 Introduction to Strings361

17.2 Light Cone Quantization and Vacuum Energy of the String368

17.3 Neveu-Schwarz and Ramond Strings370

17.4 GSO Projection and Supersymmetric Spectrum372

17.5 Heterotic String374

17.6 N=1 Super-Yang-Mills Theory in Ten Dimensions376

17.7 Compactification and the Calabi-Yau Manifold377

17.8 Brief Introduction to Complex Manifolds381

17.9 Calabi-Yau Manifolds and Polynomial Representations for(2,1) Forms383

17.10 Assignment of Particles,the E6-GUT Model[18],and Symmetry Breaking388

17.11 Supersymmetry Breaking398

17.12 Cosmological Implications of the Intermediate Scale401

17.13 A Real Superstring Model with Four Generations402

17.14 String Theories,Extra Dimensions,and Gauge Coupling Unification407

17.14.1 Weakly Coupled Heterotic String,Mass Scales,and Gauge Coupling Unification407

17.14.2 Strongly Coupled Strings,Large Extra Dimensions,and Low String Scales408

17.14.3 Effect of Extra Dimensions on Gauge Coupling Unification409

17.15 Conclusion412


