等离子体天体物理学 第2部分 重联与耀斑 影印版 英文=PLASMA ASTROPHYSICS【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 出版社: 北京大学出版社
- 出版时间:2012
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等离子体天体物理学 第2部分 重联与耀斑 影印版 英文=PLASMA ASTROPHYSICSPDF格式电子书版下载
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1 Magnetic Reconnection5
1.1 What is magnetic reconnection?5
1.1.1 Neutral points of a magnetic field5
1.1.2 Reconnection in vacuum7
1.1.3 Reconnection in plasma8
1.1.4 Three stages in the reconnection process11
1.2 Acceleration in current layers,why and how?13
1.2.1 The origin of particle acceleration13
1.2.2 Acceleration in a neutral current layer15
1.3 Practice:Exercises and Answers19
2 Reconnection in a Strong Magnetic Field21
2.1 Small perturbations near a neutral line21
2.1.1 Historical comments21
2.1.2 Reconnection in a strong magnetic field22
2.1.3 A linearized problem in ideal MHD26
2.1.4 Converging waves and the cumulative effect28
2.2 Large perturbations near the neutral line30
2.2.1 Magnetic field line deformations31
2.2.2 Plasma density variations34
2.3 Dynamic dissipation of magnetic field34
2.3.1 Conditions of appearance34
2.3.2 The physical meaning of dynamic dissipation37
2.4 Nonstationary analytical models of RCL38
2.4.1 Self-similar 2D MHD solutions38
2.4.2 Magnetic collapse at the zeroth point41
2.4.3 From collisional to collisionless reconnection45
3 Evidence of Reconnection in Solar Flares47
3.1 The role of magnetic fields47
3.1.1 Basic questions47
3.1.2 Concept of magnetic reconnection48
3.1.3 Some results of observations50
3.2 Three-dimensional reconnection in flares51
3.2.1 Topological model of an active region51
3.2.2 Topological portrait of an active region55
3.2.3 Features of the flare topological model57
3.2.4 The S-like morphology and eruptive activity60
3.3 A current layer as the source of energy63
3.3.1 Pre-flare accumulation of energy63
3.3.2 Flare energy release64
3.3.3 The RCL as a Partof an electric circuit66
3.4 Reconnection in action68
3.4.1 Solar flares of the Syrovatsky type68
3.4.2 Sakao-type flares69
3.4.3 New topological models73
3.4.4 Reconnection between active regions75
4 The Bastille Day 2000 Flare77
4.1 Main observational properties77
4.1.1 General characteristics of the flare77
4.1.2 Overlay HXR images on magnetograms79
4.1.3 Questions of interpretaion82
4.1.4 Motion of the HXR kernels83
4.1.5 Magnetic field evolution84
4.1.6 The HXR kernels and field evolution85
4.2 Simplified topological model87
4.2.1 Photospheric field model.Topological portrait87
4.2.2 Coronal field model.Separators88
4.2.3 Chromospheric ribbons and kernels89
4.2.4 Reconnected magnetic flux.Electric field93
4.2.5 Discussion of topological model96
5 Electric Currents Related to Reconnection99
5.1 Magnetic reconnection in the corona99
5.1.1 Plane reconnection model as a starting point99
5.1.2 Three-component reconnection105
5.2 Photospheric shear and coronal reconnection107
5.2.1 Accumulation of magnetic energy107
5.2.2 Flare energy release and CMEs109
5.2.3 Flare and HXR footpoints110
5.3 Shear flows and photospheric reconnection114
5.4 Motions of the HXR footpoints in flares117
5.4.1 The footpoint motions in some flares117
5.4.2 Statistics of the footpoint motions118
5.4.3 The FP motions orthogonal to the SNL119
5.4.4 The FP motions along the SNL120
5.4.5 Discussion of statistical results123
5.5 Open issues and some conclusions125
6 Models of Reconnecting Current Layers129
6.1 Magnetically neutral current layers129
6.1.1 The simplest MHD model129
6.1.2 The current layer by Syrovatskii131
6.1.3 Simple scaling laws134
6.2 Magnetically non-neutral RCL136
6.2.1 Transversal magnetic fields136
6.2.2 The longitudinal magnetic field137
6.3 Basic physics of the SHTCL139
6.3.1 A general formulation of the problem139
6.3.2 Problem in the strong field approximation141
6.3.3 Basic local parameters of the SHTCL142
6.3.4 The general solution of the problem143
6.3.5 Plasma turbulence inside the SHTCL145
6.3.6 Formulae for the basic parameters of the SHTCL146
6.4 Open issues of reconnection in flares149
6.5 Practice:Exercises and Answers151
7 Reconnection and Collapsing Traps in Solar Flares153
7.1 SHTCL in solar flares153
7.1.1 Why are flares so different but similar?153
7.1.2 Super-hot plasma production157
7.1.3 On the particle acceleration in a SHTCL160
7.2 Coronal HXR sources in flares160
7.2.1 General properties and observational problems160
7.2.2 Upward motion of coronal HXR sources162
7.2.3 Data on average upward velocity163
7.3 The collapsing trap effect in solar flares168
7.3.1 Fast electrons in coronal HXR sources168
7.3.2 Fast plasma outflows and shocks168
7.3.3 Particle acceleration in collapsing trap171
7.3.4 The upward motion of coronal HXR sources174
7.3.5 Trap without a shock wave176
7.4 Acceleration mechanisms in traps177
7.4.1 Fast and slow reconnection177
7.4.2 The first-order Fermi-type acceleration179
7.4.3 The betatron acceleration in a collapsing trap180
7.4.4 The betatron acceleration in a shockless trap183
7.5 Final remarks184
7.6 Practice:Exercises and Answers185
8 Solar-type Flares in Laboratory and Space193
8.1 Solar flares in laboratory193
8.1.1 Turbulent heating in toroidal devices193
8.1.2 Current-driven turbulence in current layers195
8.1.3 Parameters of a current layer with CDT197
8.1.4 The SHTCL with anomalous heat conduction198
8.2 Magnetospheric Physics Problems200
8.2.1 Reconnection in the Earth Magnetosphere200
8.2.2 MHD simulations of space weather201
8.3 Flares in accretion disk coronae202
8.3.1 Introductory comments202
8.3.2 Models of the star magnetosphere203
8.3.3 Power of energy release in the disk coronae207
8.4 The giant flares208
9 Particle Acceleration in Current Layers211
9.1 Magnetically non-neutral RCLs211
9.1.1 An introduction in the problem211
9.1.2 Dimensionless parameters and equations212
9.1.3 An iterative solution of the problem214
9.1.4 The maximum energy of an accelerated particle217
9.1.5 The non-adiabatic thickness of current layer218
9.2 Regular versus chaotic acceleration219
9.2.1 Reasons for chaos220
9.2.2 The stabilizing effect of the longitudinal field222
9.2.3 Characteristic times of processes223
9.2.4 Dynamics of accelerated electrons in solar flares224
9.2.5 Particle simulations of collisionless reconnection225
9.3 Ion acceleration in current layers226
9.3.1 Ions are much heavier than electrons226
9.3.2 Electrically non-neutral current layers227
9.3.3 Maximum particle energy and acceleration rates229
9.4 How are solar particles accelerated?232
9.4.1 Place of acceleration232
9.4.2 Time of acceleration234
9.5 Cosmic ray problem236
10 Structural Instability of Reconnecting Current Layers237
10.1 Some properties of current layers237
10.1.1 Current layer splitting237
10.1.2 Evolutionarity of reconnecting current layers239
10.1.3 Magnetic field near the current layer240
10.1.4 Reconnecting current layer flows241
10.1.5 Additional simplifying assumptions242
10.2 Small perturbations outside the RCL244
10.2.1 Basic assumptions244
10.2.2 Propagation of perturbations normal to a RCL244
10.2.3 The inclined propagation of perturbations246
10.3 Perturbations inside the RCL250
10.3.1 Linearized dissipative MHD equations250
10.3.2 Boundary conditions251
10.3.3 Dimensionless equations and small parameters253
10.3.4 Solution of the linearized equations255
10.4 Solution on the boundary of the RCL258
10.5 The criterion of evolutionarity260
10.5.1 One-dimensional boundary conditions260
10.5.2 Solutions of the boundary equations261
10.5.3 Evolutionarity and splitting of current layers265
10.6 Practice:Exercises and Answers266
11 Tearing Instability of Reconnecting Current Layers269
11.1 The origin of the tearing instability269
11.1.1 Two necessary conditions269
11.1.2 Historical comments270
11.2 The simplest problem and its solution272
11.2.1 The model and equations for small disturbances272
11.2.2 The external non-dissipative region274
11.2.3 The internal dissipative region276
11.2.4 Matching of the solutions and the dispersion relation277
11.3 Physical interpretation of the instability279
11.3.1 Acting forces of the tearing instability279
11.3.2 Dispersion equation for tearing instability281
11.4 The stabilizing effect of transversal field282
11.5 Compressibility and a longitudinal field285
11.5.1 Neutral current layers285
11.5.2 Non-neutral current layers287
11.6 The kinetic approach288
11.6.1 The tearing instability of neutral layer288
11.6.2 Stabilization by the transversal field292
11.6.3 The tearing instability of the geomagnetic tail293
12 Magnetic Reconnection and Turbulence297
12.1 Reconnection and magnetic helicity297
12.1.1 General properties of complex MHD systems297
12.1.2 Two types of MHD turbulence299
12.1.3 Helical scaling in MHD turbulence301
12.1.4 Large-scale solar dynamo302
12.2 Coronal heating and flares304
12.2.1 Coronal heating in solar active regions304
12.2.2 Helicity and reconnection in solar flares305
12.3 Stochastic acceleration in solar flares307
12.3.1 Stochastic acceleration of electrons307
12.3.2 Acceleration of protons and heavy ions309
12.3.3 Acceleration of 3He and 4He in solar flares310
12.3.4 Electron-dominated solar flares311
12.4 Mechanisms of coronal heating313
12.4.1 Heating of the quiet solar corona313
12.4.2 Coronal heating in active regions315
12.5 Practice:Exercises and Answers317
13 Reconnection in Weakly-Ionized Plasma319
13.1 Early observations and classical models319
13.2 Model of reconnecting current layer321
13.2.1 Simplest balance equations321
13.2.2 Solution of the balance equations322
13.2.3 Characteristics of the reconnecting current layer323
13.3 Reconnection in solar prominences325
13.4 Element fractionation by reconnection328
13.5 The photospheric dynamo329
13.5.1 Current generation mechanisms329
13.5.2 Physics of thin magnetic flux tubes330
13.5.3 FIP fractionation theory332
13.6 Practice:Exercises and Answers334
14 Magnetic Reconnection of Electric Currents339
14.1 Introductory comments339
14.2 Flare energy storage and release340
14.2.1 From early models to future investigations340
14.2.2 Some alternative trends in the flare theory344
14.2.3 Current layers at separatrices345
14.3 Current layer formation mechanisms346
14.3.1 Magnetic footpoints and their displacements346
14.3.2 Classical 2D reconnection348
14.3.3 Creation of current layers by shearing flows350
14.3.4 Antisymmetrical shearing flows352
14.3.5 The third class of displacements354
14.4 The shear and reconnection of currents355
14.4.1 Physical processes related to shear and reconnection355
14.4.2 Topological interruption of electric currents357
14.4.3 The inductive change of energy357
14.5 Potential and non-potential fields359
14.5.1 Properties of potential fields359
14.5.2 Classification of non-potential fields360
14.6 To the future observations by Solar-B362
Appendix 1.Acronyms367
Appendix 2.Notation369
Appendix 3.Useful Formulae371
Appendix 4.Constants375
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