Analysis and behavior of structures【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- Edwin C. Rossow 著
- 出版社: Prentice Hall
- ISBN:0024039136
- 出版时间:1996
- 标注页数:286页
- 文件大小:38MB
- 文件页数:302页
- 主题词:
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Chapter 1 Introduction to Structural Engineering1
1.1 Description of Structural Analysis and Structural Design2
Proof of Performance3
Value of Analysis of Simple Structures4
1.2 Idealization of a Structure5
Types of Structures6
Mathematical Model of a Single Member7
Mathematical Model of an Assembly of Members9
1.3 Types of Loads on Structures12
1.4 Specification of Loading13
1.5 Internal Stresses14
1.6 Free-Body Diagrams19
1.7 Equilibrium Conditions for Planar Structures20
1.8 Superposition of Forces in Statically Determinate Structures23
1.9 Superposition of Deformations25
1.10 Symmetric and Antisymmetric Loading of Symmetric Structures27
Symmetrically Loaded Symmetric Structures28
Antisymmetrically Loaded Symmetric Structures30
General Loading of Symmetric Structures32
1.11 Summary and Limitations35
Chapter 2 Computation of Reactions for Planar Statically Determinate Structures39
2.1 Static Determinacy of Reactions and Equations of Condition40
Equations of Condition for Plane Frames41
Equations of Condition for Plane Trusses43
Examples of Statically Determinate Reactions45
2.2 Geometric Stability48
2.3 Computation of Reactions for Structures with Concentrated Loads56
2.4 Computation of Reactions for Structures with Distributed Loads60
2.5 Reactions for Symmetric Structures62
2.6 Summary and Limitations70
Computer Problems76
Chapter 3 Analysis of Plane Trusses79
3.1 Truss Action80
3.2 Unknowns and Assumptions in Truss Analysis83
3.3 Determinacy and Geometric Stability86
3.4 Plane Truss Analysis by the Method of Joints91
3.5 Special Considerations at Truss Joints99
3.6 Truss Analysis by the Method of Sections104
3.7 Summary and Limitations112
Computer Problems121
Chapter 4 Analysis of Beams: Shear, Moment, and Axial Force Diagrams123
4.1 Sign Convention124
4.2 Differential Equations of Equilibrium for a Transversely Loaded Beam125
4.3 Drawing Shear and Moment Diagrams Using Direct Integration126
4.4 Drawing Shear and Moment Diagrams Using Equilibrium Directly131
4.5 Relationships Between Loading, Shear,and Moment Diagrams134
4.6 Incremental Techniques for Obtaining Shear and Moment Diagrams136
4.7 Shear and Moment Diagrams in Girders of Beam-and-Girder Systems143
4.8 Differential Equation of Equilibrium for Axially Loaded Member145
4.9 Loading and Internal Axial Force Diagrams148
4.10 Summary and Limitations149
Chapter 5 Analysis of Statically Determinate Plane Frames157
5.1 Frame Action158
5.2 Equations of Equilibrium159
5.3 Determinacy and Geometric Stability161
Number of Unknowns and Number of Equations of Solution161
Geometric Instability164
5.4 Analysis of Plane Frames for the Distribution of Internal Moments by Method of Sections166
5.5 Moment Variation by Superposition167
5.6 Summary and Limitations179
Computer Problems186
Chapter 6 Simple Bending Theory and Deformation Analysis of Beams189
6.1 Relationship Between Bending and Curvature190
6.2 Assumptions and Limitations of Simple Bending Theory195
6.3 Determination of Beam Displacements by Direct Integration201
6.4 Curvature-Area or Moment-Area Theorem203
6.5 Elastic Load and Conjugate Beam Analysis217
6.6 Axial Deformations of Beams223
6.7 Axial Deformations Due to Curvature227
6.8 Summary and Limitations233
Chapter 7 Deformation of Structures: Virtual Work241
7.1 Structural Deformations242
7.2 Principle of Virtual Work for Rigid Bodies242
7.3 Reactions of Structures Using Virtual Work243
7.4 Principle of Virtual Work for Deformable Bodies246
Conservation of Energy249
Equations of the Virtual Work Principles250
7.5 Internal Virtual Work for Prismatic Members253
7.6 Application of the Complementary Virtual Work Principle to Deflection Analysis of Trusses257
7.7 Application of the Complementary Virtual Work Principle to Deflection Analysis of Beams and Frames266
7.8 Use of Integration Charts to Compute Internal Work271
7.9 Summary and Limitations275
Computer Problems284
Chapter 8 Influence Lines for Statically Determinate Structures287
8.1 Definition of an Influence Line288
8.2 Influence Lines for Beams289
8.3 Use of the Influence Line to Obtain the Magnitude of a Force or Moment Action for a General Loading296
8.4 Influence Lines for Trusses300
8.5 Influence Lines for Beam-and-Girder Structures304
8.6 Influence Lines Using Virtual Work and the Muller-Breslau Principle307
8.7 Absolute Maximum Moment and Shear314
8.8 Summary and Limitations318
Chapter 9 Deformation Analysis of Nonprismatic Beams and Beams of Nonlinear Material325
9.1 Analysis of Bending Deformations of Piecewise Nonprismatic Members326
9.2 Use of Numerical Integration in Deformation Calculations332
9.3 Axial Deformations of Nonprismatic Members337
9.4 Axial Deformations of Members of Nonlinear Materials340
9.5 Bending Deformations of Members of Nonlinear Materials349
9.6 Summary and Limitations360
Computer Problems367
Chapter 10 Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Structures369
10.1 Statically Indeterminate Structures370
10.2 Analysis by Superposition372
10.3 Selection of Redundant Restraints382
10.4 Method of Consistent Deformations383
10.5 Analysis of Symmetric Structures400
10.6 Deformation Analysis of Indeterminate Structures404
10.7 Analysis of Indeterminate Structures with Nonlinear Materials416
10.8 Summary and Limitations423
Computer Problems432
Chapter 11 Slope-Deflection Method435
11.1 Slope-Deflection Method436
11.2 Slope-Deflection Equations436
Slope-Deflection Equations for End Moments437
Slope-Deflection Equations for End Shears441
Fixed End Moments and Fixed End Forces442
11.3 Application of the Slope-Deflection Equations to the Solution of Structures with No Joint Translation446
11.4 Application of the Slope-Deflection Equations to the Solution of Structures with Joint Translation454
11.5 Analysis of Symmetric Structures461
11.6 Summary and Limitations469
Chapter 12 Moment Distribution Method of Analysis477
12.1 Moment Distribution Method478
12.2 Moment Distribution Without Joint Translation478
12.3 Reduced Stiffness for Members with Ends Free to Rotate485
12.4 Structures with Joint Displacements492
12.5 Modified Relative Stiffness for Symmetric Structures503
12.6 Summary and Limitations509
Chapter 13 Influence Lines for Statically Indeterminate Structures517
13.1 Development of Influence Lines by Direct Computation and Their Use518
13.2 Betti’s Law and Maxwell’s Law of Reciprocal Deflections531
13.3 Muller-Breslau Principle534
13.4 Influence Lines Using the Muller-Breslau Principle536
Quantitative Influence Lines for Beams536
Influence Lines for Trusses541
Construction of Qualitative Influence Lines for Frames541
13.5 Summary and Limitations543
Chapter 14 Approximate Analysis Using Force-Based Assumptions553
14.1 Need for Approximate Methods of Analysis553
14.2 Vertical Loading of Beams in a Frame554
14.3 Moments and Forces in Simple Frames with Lateral Loads556
14.4 Portal Method of Analysis560
14.5 Cantilever Method of Analysis568
14.6 Estimating Lateral Displacements Due to Lateral Loads578
14.7 Approximate Analysis of Indeterminate Trusses581
14.8 Summary and Limitations588
Chapter 15 Approximate Analysis Using Assumed Deformations595
15.1 Strain, Complementary Strain, Potential, and Complementary Potential Energy596
Strain and Complementary Strain Energy596
Total Potential and Total Complementary Potential Energy601
Principle of Minimum Potential Energy and Virtual Work602
Principle of Minimum Total Complementary Energy and Complementary Virtual Work603
15.2 Castigliano’s and Engesser’s Theorems604
15.3 Approximate Analysis of Nonprismatic Members606
15.4 Approximate Analysis of Single-Story Frames615
15.5 Shear Building Approximation617
15.6 Single-Bay Building Approximation622
15.7 Summary and Limitations627
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